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Velocity Vision Dash - Ultimate Track Companion

Written by: Jose Cabrera



Time to read 3 min

The Velocity Vision dashboard is a project I started a few years back when I originally learned about the Garmin Catalyst. Seeing how many features it had, I wanted something similar for the sim . At the same time, I was getting heavily interested in SimHub , it was the perfect opportunity for me to spend hours creating something that would let me be creative. In this article, I will not only share the dashboard for free but we’ll also go in-depth so that you can best understand how the dashboard works.

Let's get right into it,

Session Summary

Session Summary Dashboard Page

Starting off with the “Session Summary” screen. On the top left-hand corner is the SOF or Strength of Field indicator. This will display the strength of field (difficulty level) for the current race.

On the top right-hand corner is the remaining time counter. This counter will also change color from black to red once there is less than 3 minutes left in a given session. This is to give a faster, visual cue that time is running out!

Below the yellow header, first we have the track name, followed by the track configuration in orange text below.

Below the track configuration text is a map of the track and below that is a lap counter showing how many laps have been done in that session.

Moving into the middle of the session summary screen, where ”Race” is shown, this is an indicator of the type of session. This would read either Practice , Lone Qualify , or Race .

Below that is air temperature, which represents the ambient air temperature of the track environment. My SimHub is set up for Fahrenheit; if yours is set up for Celsius and there are any issues, please let me know.

Below that is “conditions” and this is a quick indicator of how much rubber is on the track. The more usage, the more rubber has been laid down on track.

Finishing off the middle column with a turn counter, showing the number of turns for a given track.

Moving onto the last column of the Session Summary dash, we have a “best lap” display which will display the best lap ever done at the track.

Below that is the track temperature which is crucial to know as it can cause lap times to change drastically.

And finishing off the Session Summary page with a clock on the bottom right-hand corner.


Relative Dashboard Page

The next page is the “Relative” dashboard. On the header, we still have the Strength of Field indicator as well as the clock, but we also have a lap counter.

The Relative dashboard itself displays the gaps to the two cars in front and the two behind.

The driver information listed, from left to right, starts off with Position, Car Number, iRating, Driver name and the Gap.

The gaps to the immediate car in front and behind are color coded in order to give a faster, visual reference of the gap.


Standings Dashboard Page

Next up is standings,

Here all of the same information as the relative page is displayed, except here we have the top 5 lap times for the sessions and the drivers who set them. I use this to have a set of reference lap times to try and match.


Laps Dashboard Page

Next up is laps. Here the header has the lap counter removed and moved over to the top right-hand corner. Just below a delta indicator which is indicating delta or the gap to the fastest lap time set.

The main use of this dashboard is to display the last 10 lap times as well as giving the driver information such as their optimal, best, estimated and average lap time.


Negative delta dashboard screen
Positive delta dashboard screen

Next up is the delta screen. Here we have last and best lap data on the top, in the middle is the actual delta to the best lap, this will change green to red with a gradient depending on lap time.

At the bottom is a simple remaining time counter as well as a lap counter.

Brake Marker Indicator

Brake marker indicator dashboard

Finishing off the dashboard with the brake marker indicator. This feature allows the driver to see how much percent of braking they are using. You’d be surprised but every time I put a new driver in, they are only hitting 20-30 percent brake usage.

End of Lap

End of lap with irating estimator dashboard page

Before we wrap up, one of my favorite features is the “end of lap” screen which simply displays a current estimate of iRating Gain or Loss. Some say it adds additional pressure, I just think it looks cool so I added it! I hope you enjoy using this dashboard as much as I enjoyed making it. I wouldn’t want to race without it now!

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